How I'll Be Spending Christmas Today

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Merry Christmas!

I'll be spending today in a very useful way. First, after posting this article, I will go back to sleep. Some not-so-well guy in the neighbourhood felt the best way to break into the Christmas day was to do a street party and blast music really loud. Result: I couldn't sleep throughout the night and I'm currently having a headache. But I managed to mint the silver lining in that cloud: I prayed more & longer than usual.

When I wake up, I'll get something to eat and take my medication. Currently on a cough syrup, an antimalarial drug and one expensive antibiotic. By the way, it's not self-medication. They were prescribed to me. The cough syrup makes me feel dizzy and I have to use it thrice a day. Result: I feel dizzy throughout the day.

After taking my breakfast or lunch, depending on when I re-awake, and used my drugs, I will start work on a job I have collected pay for and for over a week already. I will also check if my French teacher has marked my assignment and given me more exercises. 

I practiced some competitive C# programming yesterday on and I am very happy with how my C# skill has improved. It gave me the same feeling I have when I program Excel macros, which is a good signal that I am already getting to a level of useful practical use of my C# skill.

My girlfriend and I had done our Christmas outing on Wednesday so today is basically a chill at home day. I bought some goat meat at Shoprite two days ago. I fried some yesterday and plan to roast the remaining today. Unfortunately, they don't taste like goat meat at all. If it wasn't that I bought it, I wouldn't believe it's goat meat. I would be less eager to buy fresh food/meat from Shoprite anymore.

In the end, today will be a pretty ordinary day for me. Which is good and non-exhausting. How about you? Got any interesting plans for the day?

Again, Merry Christmas!


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