Have You Seen The "Charging Bull" before?

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image: mgbookreport.wordpress.com

"No?" Then you're not alone. I haven't seen it too.

But there's something about thing that we'll all benefit from. And that's why I'll be talking about it today.

I'm sure you've heard of the Statute of Liberty. Well, this statue's fame is getting close to it. And I'm going to tell you the amazing story behind it. It's the story of a man. A man like you and me.

It's the story of Arturo di Modica. He is a sculptor. Sculptors are artists who rather than paint a charging bull, will make a life-like version of it with bronze. And that was what Arturo did in the year 1989. He spent about $360,000 of his own money and 2 years on a surprise gift. He called it his Christmas gift to the people of New York. On the night of December 15, 1989. He hired a flatbed truck and with help from friends, moved the "Charging Bull" to the front of New York Stock Exchange. The bull is 11 feet tall; as tall as a house. And 18 feet long. And looks like it's coming after you. The next morning, people couldn't believe their eyes. How did something this big suddenly appear? 

Now it's one of the most photographed artworks in the world. It is a popular tourist attraction. Tourists love to take photos beside it. And Arturo ended up making one for China and Holland.

But what is the special thing I said we'll benefit from?

Arturo wasn't looking for someone to discover him. He felt he could make the most amazing bull statue and went for it, using his own money and 2 valuable years. He's not the type of man that will say he didn't execute the great idea he had because no one supported or funded him. Last year, at the age of 72, he told a journalist that he still works 7 days a week and sleeps 3 hours a day.

The bull statue is not the first statue he made without someone ordering it or promising to foot the bill. He's constantly making something and sharing it with the world. He lets his brilliance and works speak for him. He molds statues that even children love. Simple and brilliant.

He takes his own bull by the horn, not tying his dream or ambition to another man's. He spends his time and money on creating something that never existed. Adding beauty to his world and sharing it freely. 

The special thing I want you grab is -- never hold yourself back. 


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