I Am Now Using A Mac. Well, A Hackintosh.

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In fact, I am typing this blog post from the Mac. Or Hackintosh running the latest Mac OS -- MacOS Sierra. 

What is a Hackintosh. It is the unofficial name for having a Mac installed on a non-Apple PC. And in my case, I have the Mac installed on my Windows PC, via VMware.

It works great and fast and cool.

I mainly use it for my Excel and programming work. There are some projects I do that the end user runs Excel on Mac. There are some differences between Excel on Windows and Excel on Mac, especially as regards to the programming/VBA part. I then need to verify that my program can run on Mac and the only sure way to do that is to test run it or even build it on Mac.

There are also some developer/programming tools that work better on Mac than on Windows. And I am considering dipping a toe into iOS app development. Nothing serious, just to have a taste of it and keep it as a future option after mastering the web app one that is my current focus. And for iOS app development, you need to have a Mac and better to use Mac for the entire app development process.

Finally, it will be cool to fully explore the Mac for personal intense use. Before now, I have mostly used Mac for work. I used to work for a company where the main work PCs are Macs. I initially found it very frustratingly different but then got used to it. Now, I will be exploring it as a primary/home PC.


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