Making The Most Of Every Circumstance

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Today's post is going to be an unusual one, chiefly because I am making the most of how things have turned out. It's 2:25am, my SpectraNet powered internet is down and I have a training class at Ikoyi for 7:30am. I need to leave home way before that time to get their early. Today's class is a special one as it is the last and I will be picking our check which I have already budgeted it's spending.

I haven't been able to sleep well till now nor will be till I'm done with my blog post, today's blog post. I had to subscribe for data on my MTN line with the hope of sharing it from my iPhone to my PC. Luckily, I know the subscription codes by heart and I had enough money to do a 25MB subscription which should be enough for my blog post need. After subscribing, it took quite a while to get the iPhone data connection running. I had to input the access point settings, username and password. Again, I was lucky to know them by heart and not need Google to find them. Then the phone finally connected. But another problem arose. It wouldn't share internet with my PC. In fact, it refused to share Internet with any device and told me to contact my Carrier whenever I click on "Set Personal Internet Hotspot". I tried and tried to get it to work but with no luck. So now I'm stuck with Internet on just the iPhone.

I'm making the best of it, though. I am typing out this blog post on my iPhone and hoping everything will come out well. In fact, I am using this as a catalyst to make a great blog post today.

Someone on once said, "Life will smack you hard at the back of the head when you least expect, but you must learn to take it and move on."  I'm sure I misquoted him as there's no enough Internet and time to verify the quote's exact words.

Everyday, I face challenges beyond my control or that I am too exhausted/busy to control. I have to make a lot of allowance for things not going the way I want. As a consultant, a major part of the profession is having people interrupt your day and turn their emergencies to your concern.  Then the traffic makes sure every little job at client's place becomes a full day task. You spend more time on the road than on the job.

It's almost 3:00am and my alarm will wake me at 4:30am to get ready for the day. And it's a long day ahead. After the 7:30am training session that will last till 11:00am or so, I have a meeting for 11:45am at VI, may traffic be kind today. And after that, I have to follow up or fire our printing guy, he's yet to get the material for our Friday training ready even though he's got everything and been given the job since two weeks ago. And I'm sure that's all I can get done before it's tomorrow (Thursday).

So how am I making the best of my current circumstance?
Well, until I found out the Internet wasn't working I was unsure of what to post today. No good post idea. Now, I have one. I'm only hoping no much typos as editing on phone is not easy. I have managed to motivate myself to do the things I ought to do regardless of current circumstance and to see the good in every situation.

And that's what making the best out of every circumstance is about. It's about self-motivation. It's about building something from the bricks life hit you with. It's about stretching yourself to get what must be done done. It's about staying positive and reminding yourself that it will soon pass. Thanks and please pardon my typos and lack of post image today.

1 comment:

  1. Word...ranted along these very same lines yesterday. Thanks for the post...timely reminder it IS!


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