Redesigned My Blog; Check Out The New Cool Design

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After about 3 years of sticking to the same design, I finally summed up the courage to change the design of my blog. I gave it a more modern look, a better display (reflow) on mobile phones and tablets, and a more visually appealing theme.

And it looks great on phone too!

It wasn't as tough as I was expecting it to be. I did everything yesterday evening. I got a new blogger template, backed up the old one. Uploaded the new template, edited the HTML codes to be my liking, and worked on the layout. 

Now the blog looks a lot better than the old one and also loads faster. You no longer see two different designs when you visit the blog from your phone vs when you visit it on a PC.

Hopefully, if nothing is broken and google plays nice, I will be using this design till 2017.


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