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Once again, congratulations for making the new year. And today, I want some of us to time-out.

image: blacknbougie.com

Firstly, I want to congratulate all of you that took a vacation last month. You did very well, and I greatly envy you. The only time I took a vacation since I began my corporate life was when I got fired. So I took a vacation. I went somewhere totally different and almost finished my life-savings. It ended as a great vacation because I got another job by the end of it. Now, I'm even scared of requesting for a 3 weeks leave. What am I going to do for a whole 3 weeks? I might die of boredom. But my worst fear is regarding my savings. Whenever we have those 5 days weekend (every Easter), I often spend more. And I'm very sure a 21 days weekend is going to leave a crater in my finances. So, once again, congratulations.

This post is targeted at the less lucky ones like me. Those who couldn't or didn't go for a vacation. I want us to time-out. To take a break too. And I'll be sharing how I've managed to do this for the past 2 years.

Some of us forget that we own Saturdays and Sundays (if you work on Saturdays, always take your yearly leave. Except you own the company and you like it that way.) I've seen people who's weekend schedules are tighter than their week day's. They are as busy as a Pastor. I do have very busy weekends but they are filled with random activities. And once in a while, I fill them with zero activities. I just stay at home and hibernate. I cut off from everything, even phone calls. I sleep like there's a sleeping competition I'm preparing for. I simply time-out.

Unfortunately, the next holiday is Easter, months from now. So no long weekends. But I'm going to show you my favorite way to time-out. Occasionally, I enter the dummy mode for a week or 2. I do the least necessary at work. I don't think of work or check my work email or pick work phone calls outside working hours. And it works well. I usually feel refreshed, new, after the dummy period. The only problem is, it might take a while to break free completely from the dummy mode. Takes me 2 to 3 days.

Finally, take a day or two off. Rather than going for a medical checkup on a weekend, go on a week day and take a day off. Move one of your weekend activities to a week day and ask for a day off.

Just time-out.


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