Your 2015 Plan

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I hope you have got a plan for this year. It doesn't have to be very elaborate or even written down; it just has to be in your working memory. A plan of how you are going to achieve one or more strategic goals this year.

There is a helpful extra push planning gives you. Your chances of achieving what you want greatly increases when you think out a plan of how you will do it. Planning helps break down your goals to smaller steps arranged in the order you will take them. Planning gives you a heightened sense of responsibility towards your goal. Planning often help you to go beyond achieving your current goals; when you plan your way to success, you can more easily come up with a bigger goal and have a bigger confidence in yourself. And for some goals, planning is necessary.

I have already come up with my plans for this year. Plans that will help me achieve my goals this year, starting from my new year resolution to be fluent in reading French to my business goals. It's just three weeks into the new year and I am already having trouble sticking to my plans. It happens. If what I wanted was very easy I wouldn't need a plan. No one plans brushing his teeth or any other trivial activities. It is the big activities we plan. And sometimes, we struggle with our plans and even have to remake them, But we are always better off with a plan, even a weak plan, than with no plan.

So if you haven't come up with any plan for this year, then take some time off today to think about what you would like to achieve this year and come up with a plan of how you will achieve them. Have a 2015 plan.


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