Bought Rosetta Stone French language learning software

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Yesterday I finally decided to try something new in my french language learning journey. I bought Rosetta Stone French levels 1 - 5 desktop software. I paid $267 for it. That's about N45,400. By my calculation it is cheaper than attending classes and I can more easily make time for it. 

While reading the review for the software many people recommended using the numerous free online resources and buying a few books. Then some said the software's approach to teaching French will not help anyone understand grammar or become fluent. But I still went ahead to buy it.

There comes a time in one's life when saving money is not the ultimate concern but getting the value you want. The same reason we would buy an expensive smartphone rather than a cheap feature phone even though they can both make phone calls. And some of will always by the high-end smartphone. It's because we don't want to have more than one device to do all the frequent tasks we do online. We want a device that does the thinking and organization for us, making our lives easier and freeing time for us to do more important things. A phone that gives us the assurance that we will meet our e-demands: timely receipt of emails, sharing of memorable pictures via social media and doing most of the things we do on the PC. And that was the mindset I had while purchasing the software.

This is a software that has a proven strategy of fast tracking the learning of French language. It also has everything well arranged and track my learning progress. It is said to provide the equivalent of 2 years class based learning of French. And guarantees that I am making the most of the learning time I spend on it. That beats the hard job of compiling numerous free resources and getting overwhelmed, then trying to figure out an ordered way of going through the resources and have no way to track my progress; which is the way I have been going through my french learning for the most part of the last 5 years. I felt it was time to try a more ordered approach.

I have begun my first lessons and I'm happy with the method of teaching. It's already improving my pronunciation and vocabulary. The complete lessons take about 250 hours to complete, so at the rate of 30 mins per day I will spend about one and half years to complete the training. That definitely makes it cheaper than any class-based training. And class-based training hasn't been working well for me. 

Hopefully, by this time next year I should be getting a french girlfriend.


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