How To Make Great PowerPoint Presentations


Lately, I have been reading hard on how to make great PowerPoint presentations. I have even managed to make a couple of excellent PowerPoint presentations to pitch clients and I am currently working on five more. You can follow me on SlideShare to see them when I'm done.

There is both a science and an art to making excellent PowerPoint presentation slides. Fortunately, most of us know the science part:
  1. Start on a paper and write out the points you want to make
  2. Let your slides have a good flow, from one point to the other
  3. Have an introduction, a body and a conclusion
  4. Make a cover slide and a thank you slide
It is the art part most of us struggle with,
  • What supporting graphics to use, how to get them, how to reformat them and how to get a consistent look
  • What fonts will make the presentation look great and not like a copy paste from a word document
  • How many words to put in each slide
  • How to list out the points/ideas presented
  • What color scheme to use 
  • Where to get symbols and icons to make your ideas bold
  • How to put everything together to get a wonderful professional presentation
The professional PowerPoint slide makers will tell you to not use templates and do your designs from scratch. To go look for pictures online and to do all the graphics work from scratch. 

But if you are like me, too busy and not a Photoshop geek, you will need to jump-start the design process by getting a collection of amazing PowerPoint templates. You should head to to get some you like. I recommend 3Magic PowerPoint Bundle The templates come with lots of graphics you will find extremely useful and will save you time running around online when you have a PowerPoint presentation to deliver tomorrow.

Next is you follow the rules of making great PowerPoint Presentation slides:
  1. Avoid using bullet points. Put one idea per slide.
  2. Don't have too much text on a slide.
  3. Use icons and symbols to convene your points
  4. Use about two to three color mix
  5. Don't use old common fonts like Times New Romans, Comic Sans, Arial, Courier, Verdana e.t.c.
  6. Don't turn it to a teleprompter. It's not a document but a visual support for your presentation.
  7. Have a consistent color use and font use
Finally, checkout the following slides for more helpful ideas.


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